Né à Ottawa en 1959, vit et travaille à Montréal.


Principalement narrative et caractérisée par la cohabitation d’une multiplicité de genres et de motifs, la peinture de Pierre Dorion gravite autour des questions que pose l’image photographique à la pratique picturale. S’inspirant le plus souvent de clichés photographiques grâce auxquels il documente des situations trouvées au hasard de ses promenades, surtout dans le chaos urbain, ou encore stimulé par des images instantanées anonymes, il élabore de curieuses compositions basculant sans cesse de l’abstraction à la figuration.

Pour plus d’informations, consultez le www.blouin-division.com


Histoire des expositions




Pierre Dorion was born in Ottawa in 1959, and lives and works in Montreal.


Principally narrative and characterized by the cohabitation of a multiplicity of genres and motives, Pierre Dorion’s paintings gravitate towards the questions raised by the impact of mechanical imaging on the pictorial practice. Most of his paintings draw from snap shots with which he documents situations encountered during his wanderings, mainly in the urban chaos. Anonymous photos found on the street also occasionally inspire his subject matter. His curious compositions alternate ceaselessly between abstraction and figuration.

For more information, please consult www.blouin-division.com


Exhibition history